A.M.S. 1806 and A.M.S. 1808, both 180ft x 60ft x 14ft barge, currentloperating as transport barges for the Sydney Metro Tunneling Project are expected to complete their charter May 2020.

A.M.S. 1806 in Sydney NSW

A.M.S. 1808 in Sydney NSW
Prior to arriving in Sydney late September 2018, both barges were fitted of the 2.5m sidewalls with mechanical covers are operated via wire ropes and diesel hydraulic winches. Each of the barges can transport up to 2000 tonnes of spoils per load.
The A.M.S. 1806 was designed and built as a spud barge. The barge initially has four (4) internal spud cans on her deck which are currently removed with the spuds holes sealed to allow her to be utilized as transport barge. She can easily revert back as spud barge when required
All the modification works ex-yard China were kept to a strict schedule to ensure delivery of the barges into Sydney for the project’s start date. AMS facilitated all export documentation out of China, the tow from Shanghai to Sydney, import documentation into Australia and handover to towing tugs outside Sydney Port limits.
AMS are proud to be involved with this major infrastructure project in Sydney and will be targeting for more works for the pair after their completion of their current charter (expecting May 2020).
For further information or if you have a charter enquiry for our vessels, please contact us.
For A.M.S. 1806 specification, please click here and for A.M.S. 1808 specification, please click here .